Male dentist showing his female patient a dental implant

Titanium Implants vs. Zirconium Implants: Choosing the Right Dental Implant Material

A confident smile radiates confidence, good health, and self-assurance. However, achieving that dazzling smile can often seem like an elusive dream for those missing teeth or struggling with the discomfort of ill-fitting dentures.

This is where dental implants come in.

Dental implants offer a reliable and long-lasting solution for damaged or missing teeth. Two materials stand out as the best choices for dental implants, each with unique advantages and considerations: titanium and zirconium. The choice between these two materials can impact the long-term success and outcome of the dental procedure. 

We’ll discuss titanium and zirconium implants’ properties, advantages, and potential drawbacks. We aim to help you make an informed decision that will restore your smile and preserve your oral health for years to come. 

Defining Titanium and Zirconium Implants

Titanium and Zirconium implants are dental fixtures surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. These implants provide a stable foundation for dental crowns, bridges, or dentures. 

Titanium implants are made from titanium, a metal known for its strength and biocompatibility. On the other hand, zirconium dental implants are made from zirconium dioxide, a biocompatible and hypoallergenic compound.

Titanium Implants: Features and Benefits

Titanium implants are a popular implant choice due to their exceptional advantages. Here are the key features and benefits of titanium implants: 


Titanium is highly biocompatible, which means the human body tolerates it well. Allergic reactions to titanium are extremely rare, making it a safe option for patients with sensitive immune systems. Its biocompatible nature is crucial for dental implants, which need to function for years without causing any adverse reactions in the body. 


Titanium has a high strength-to-weight ratio, which means it’s incredibly strong relative to its weight. As such, titanium implants can endure constant mechanical stress from chewing and biting without deforming or failing. Due to their strength and durability, titanium implants can provide stability and support to dental prostheses for an extended period without deterioration.

Corrosion Resistance

Titanium forms a thin oxide layer on its surface when exposed to oxygen. This oxide layer acts as a barrier against corrosion, which is crucial for the longevity of dental implants since they are constantly exposed to body fluids. Titanium’s corrosion resistance further enhances its biocompatibility by minimizing the risk of adverse reactions and tissue rejection. 


Osseointegration is the process by which living bone and tissue fuse with the surface of a foreign material, such as a titanium implant. This process occurs at a microscopic level, and it’s crucial for the implant’s stability and functionality. 

Due to its highly biocompatible nature, titanium implants can coexist harmoniously with the human body without triggering an immune response. Osseointegration enhances dental implants’ stability since bone cells attach to the implant’s surface, forming a direct structural and functional connection. This connection ensures the implant is firmly anchored, preventing its loosening, shifting, or failure over time. 

Zirconium Implants: Features and Benefits

Zirconium implants are a popular alternative to titanium implants. These implants offer several unique properties and benefits, including: 

Aesthetic Appeal

Zirconium implants have a white or tooth-colored appearance that resembles natural teeth. Zirconium closely mimics the shade and translucency of neighboring teeth, allowing zirconium implants to blend seamlessly with natural teeth. 

This characteristic makes zirconium implants an appealing choice for replacing missing front teeth. Knowing their replacement teeth look natural allows patients to smile and speak without feeling self-conscious. 

Hypoallergenic Properties

Zirconium is a chemically inert compound that doesn’t readily react with the body’s tissues or fluids. This inert nature means that zirconium implants do not release ions or compounds when inserted into the body. As such, they remain stable for an extended period with minimal risk of inflammation or irritation at the implant site. 

Furthermore, since zirconium is a non-metallic material, it’s an ideal implant choice for patients with a history of metal allergies or sensitivities. 

Corrosion Resistance

Zirconium has an exceptional corrosion resistance. This property increases the longevity of zirconium implants since they are sometimes exposed to saliva, blood, and even stomach acid. Since these fluids can accelerate corrosion in other materials, zirconium’s corrosion resistance ensures that it remains structurally sound over an extended period. 

Additionally, the absence of corrosion in zirconium implants minimizes the risk of implant degradation. Corrosion in metal implants can release metal ions into the surrounding tissues, triggering inflammatory responses and tissue damage. Zirconium’s corrosion resistance reduces the likelihood of these adverse reactions and complications. 

Reduced Plaque Accumulation

Zirconium implants possess an exceptionally smooth texture due to the precision engineering and polishing techniques used in their manufacture. This smooth surface discourages the initial attachment and accumulation of plaque and oral bacteria. As a result, patients with these implants find it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. Improved oral hygiene benefits the implant while contributing to the health of surrounding teeth and gums. 

Drawbacks and Considerations

The choice between titanium and zirconium implants can be complicated. Considering the drawbacks and considerations of each implant type would be best before choosing the best material based on individual needs. 

While titanium implants are widely used, and generally biocompatible, allergy concerns are notable for patients with sensitivities to metal implants. As such, inquiring about a patient’s medical history is crucial to identifying potential allergy risks. 

Additionally, in rare cases, titanium implants can experience corrosion or discoloration. This discoloration presents a significant drawback for patients concerned about the visibility of their dental work. 

Radiopacity is another consideration. 

Titanium is radiopaque, meaning it appears as a white spot on X-rays. This characteristic makes it more challenging for dentists to assess the bone around the implant. Moreover, while titanium implants are generally more cost-effective than zirconium implants, they can cost significantly more for patients requiring multiple implants. 

On the other hand, zirconium implants also come with several drawbacks. For instance, they are more prone to fracture compared to titanium implants. As a result, they may not be ideal for patients who grind their teeth or clench their jaws excessively. 

Furthermore, zirconium implants have not been used as long as titanium implants. As such, there is limited long-term data on zirconium implants, making it challenging to predict their longevity and durability accurately. 

Availability may also be an issue, as zirconium implants are less readily accessible, potentially leading to longer wait periods for patients. Compatibility with abutments is another consideration, as zirconium implants often require zirconia abutments for compatibility, limiting the choice of restorative options available. 

The Role of the Dentist

The dentist plays a key role in guiding patients toward the most suitable implant material based on their needs. This involves a comprehensive assessment considering factors such as:  

  • Biocompatibility: The dentist will consider any allergies or sensitivities you may have to specific materials. While titanium is generally well-tolerated, zirconia is a better option for patients with metal allergies due to its superior biocompatibility
  • Aesthetics: If aesthetics are a priority, especially for front teeth, the dentist can discuss how zirconia’s natural tooth color and translucency might be more suitable for your needs
  • Strength and durability: The dentist will assess your bite force to determine which material best suits your needs. Titanium implants are a preferred choice for patients with a powerful bite. While zirconium implants are strong, they are susceptible to pressure under extreme pressure
  • Bone quality and quantity: Evaluating your bone density and volume will help the dentist determine the feasibility of each implant material. Titanium implants often require less bone support for successful placement and integration, whereas zirconia implants may need more substantial bone support

Zirconia Implants Price

While zirconium dental implants offer advantages, such as superior biocompatibility, they are often more expensive than titanium implants. Here are some factors that influence the pricing of zirconium implants: 

  • Material costs: Zirconium is a high-quality material known for its durability and aesthetic properties. However, the high level of precision and manufacturing expertise involved in transforming raw zirconium into implant-ready components contributes significantly to the elevated costs associated with zirconium dental implants.
  • Manufacturing complexity: Zirconium is a tough material. As a result, manufacturers must invest in specialized machinery and employ skilled technicians to ensure the safety and efficacy of the final products. The increased production costs are transferred to patients, making zirconium implants a comparatively expensive option.
  • Aesthetic benefits: Zirconium implants are popular due to their natural appearance. They blend seamlessly with surrounding teeth, making them an ideal option for replacing front teeth. This aesthetic benefit can result in a higher price tag compared to titanium implants.
  • Customization: Zirconium implants can be custom-made to match the patient’s natural teeth. Customized zirconium implants are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding natural teeth while ensuring the patient can comfortably bite and chew without discomfort. However, this level of precision and customization translates to increased costs for custom-made zirconium implants.
  • Procedure complexity:  Zirconium implants may require additional procedures such as bone grafting, or sinus lifts for proper placement. These supplementary procedures can significantly add to the overall cost .

Zirconia Implants Side Effects

While zirconium implants offer many benefits, they are not entirely without potential side effects or complications. It’s important to note that complications with zirconium implants are relatively rare. However, there are some potential side effects you should be aware of: 

  • Allergic reactions: While allergic reactions to zirconium are extremely rare, some patients exhibit hypersensitivity to zirconium implants. These allergic reactions can manifest as inflammation, swelling, and discomfort around the implant site
  • Peri-implantitis: While zirconium implants have superior biocompatibility, they aren’t immune to peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues surrounding an implant. If left unchecked, this inflammation can extend to the surrounding bone, resulting in bone loss
  • Implant fracture: Zirconium implants are exceptionally strong and durable. However, they can still fracture or break under extreme stress from biting forces, clenching, or grinding of teeth. Additionally, accidents involving the face or mouth can exert intense pressure on the dental implant, causing it to break or fracture
  • Implant failure: Zirconium implants are renowned for their durability. However, they can fail under certain circumstances. For instance, if osseointegration doesn’t occur as expected, the implant may lack the necessary structural support, resulting in loosening or failure over time. Additionally, inaccurate implant placement can disrupt the natural bite alignment, leading to structural damage and other complications

These potential side effects are not unique to Zirconia implants. It is important to note that titanium implants also have similar side effects and complications. 

Suitability for Different Cases

The choice between titanium and zirconium implants depends on several factors, including the patient’s needs, preferences, and oral health. Here’s an overview of when each type of implant may be more beneficial, along with patient scenarios to illustrate the material selection process: 

Patient Scenario 1: Aesthetic Concerns

  • Titanium implants: Titanium implants may be preferred in cases where aesthetics are not a primary concern. The strength and durability of titanium make it an excellent choice for molars and premolars, where the focus is on functionality rather than appearance. Titanium implants that are completely submerged in the bone and gums typically do not present any aesthetic concerns and are routinely used to replace front teeth. 
  • Zirconium Implants: Zirconium implants or zirconium prosthetic parts are often recommended when the patient’s primary concern is aesthetics or to minimize the risk of esthetic complications in the future. This primarily applies to replacement of front teeth.  Zirconium’s tooth-colored appearance makes it more cosmetically appealing, resulting in a natural-looking smile. 

Patient Scenario 2: Allergic Reactions

  • Titanium implants: Titanium implants may not be suitable for patients allergic to metals. Though allergic reactions are rare, they can occur in some individuals
  • Zirconium implants: Zirconium implants are metal-free, making them an excellent choice for patients with metal allergies. They offer a superior hypoallergenic alternative

Patient Scenario 3: High Bite Forces

  • Titanium implants: Titanium implants are recommended in cases where the patient exhibits high bite forces or compulsive teeth grinding. Their superior strength makes them highly resistant to wear and tear
  • Zirconium implants: Though zirconium implants are durable, they may not withstand extreme bite forces as effectively as titanium implants. As such, they aren’t suitable for patients with such conditions

Patient Scenario 4: Thin Gingival Biotype

  • Titanium implants: Patients with thin gingival biotypes have thin, translucent gum tissue. As a result, titanium implants may show through the gums, leading to a noticeable grayish appearance
  • Zirconium implants: Zirconium implants are better suited for patients with thin gingival biotypes. They provide a more aesthetically pleasing result due to their tooth-colored properties 

Patient Scenario 5: Immediate Implant Placement

  • Titanium implants: Titanium implants provide excellent osseointegration and stability, making them a suitable choice for immediate implant placement, especially after tooth extraction
  • Zirconium implants: While zirconium implants can be used in immediate implant cases, they require careful consideration and planning due to their unique osseointegration process 

Long-Term Maintenance and Care

The long-term success of titanium and zirconium implants largely depends on proper care and maintenance. Here are some insights into the long-term care and maintenance of both types of implants:

  • Oral hygiene: Implants require regular and thorough cleaning to prevent plaque and bacteria accumulation. Brushing with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste extends the implant’s longevity and minimizes the risk of complications. Additionally, using interdental brushes and dental floss can help clean between implants and natural teeth 
  • Regular dental check-ups: Visit your dentist for routine check-ups and professional cleanings. They can monitor the condition of your implants, address any potential issues early, and provide helpful tips on caring for your implants
  • Dietary considerations: Avoid excessive consumption of sugary and acidic foods as they can contribute to gum disease and cavities which may potentially result in infections in the teeth that are next to your dental implant. Infections in adjacent teeth could potentially spread to your implant. . Instead, maintain a healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamins to support bone health and promote implant stability
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol: Cigarettes contain harmful substances that slow the healing process, while alcohol can aggravate the implant site, leading to inflammation and other complications. Limiting these habits or quitting them altogether is highly recommended 
  • Protect against teeth grinding: While titanium and zirconium implants are durable, protecting them from excessive force is crucial. Wear a nightguard if you have a habit of teeth grinding, and be cautious when chewing very hard or sticky foods

The choice between titanium and zirconium implants ultimately depends on your needs, preferences, and oral health. Titanium implants offer exceptional durability, osseointegration, and a proven track record. However, the potential allergic reactions, though rare, can be a source of concern.

On the other hand, zirconia implants offer superior biocompatibility and are popular for their tooth-like appearance. They are free from metal components, making them an excellent choice for patients with metal allergies. Nonetheless, zirconium implants may not be as strong as titanium, and long-term clinical data is still evolving.

Consulting a qualified dentist is crucial to determining the most suitable implant option. They will assess your oral health, discuss your concerns, and create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your dental health needs and circumstances.

Your smile matters. We’re dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcome. 

Don’t wait- book your consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile. 
